Stethoscope Littmann Cardiology IV – Review

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4.4/10 (Expert Score)
Product is rated as #3 in category Technologies

This is like the fancy model that all the cardiologists use. That apparently makes it easier to see stuff. So let's just unbox it. And then I'll start using this from now on, because this will make me a better doctor. Oh, look at that.

It's so fat compared to the previous model. Supposedly, the more fat the stethoscope is, the easier the sound travels through. It something to do with physics. Look how shiny this Chrome thing is. That's really cool.

If we had an anamorphic lens, this would look like a really cool flare right now, and there is a manual that teaches you how to use the stethoscope. All right, time to see how this thing actually works. Oh, also, they sent me this carry case for it. The Cardiology stethoscope box. Quite nice. Actually not a bad carry case. To be honest, I probably won't use the carry case because I'm just going to Chuck it in my bag. But nice to have anyway.

Let's try this on and see if it's any good. So I'm going to listen in the aortic region first. Good heart sounds. One and two present. No added sounds, no murmurs.

This is a good sign. Pulmonary region, tricuspid valve region and mitral region solid. I don't have anything wrong with my heart. Let's just compare it to this one.

Okay, stuff definitely sounds louder with the cardiology IV one than with this one. And I think that will be quite handy because often I don't really trust my ears when I hear stuff with a stethoscope, and I have to kind of sit there for ages being like, Is that really what I heard? Is that really what I heard? But I think this will make it easier to hear stuff. Let's listen to breath sounds now, so that's good chest is clear Antarctic.

I wonder if I can hear my back as well. Okay, that sounds nice and healthy. And let's compare it to this one. The classic II. Yeah, stuff definitely sounds louder with the Cardiology four than the classic II, but I suppose that's exactly what you would expect.

Check some total thoughts

Pros and Cons Values

  • High performance rate
  • You can actually hear way better
  • It comes in more than 30 colors combinations to choose from
  • about double the price than the classic III
  • a bit heavy on the neck

Like this is an expensive Cardiology stethoscope for Cardiology consultants. This is the standard stethoscope that all medical students and junior doctors use. That's pretty much it. I'm not really sure what else goes into the review of a stethoscope. I mean, this one is a bit fatter.

It comes in nice colors. You can customize the finish on the Bell bit of it. I went for the shiny finish because I thought it looked cool. They've also got this in matte black, which could have been quite cool as well. It's very slightly heavier.

Yeah, it's a little bit heavier, actually, it's quite a lot heavier than this one. I imagine that this would hurt your shoulders after a while of use if you're not used to it, but I guess it then makes your shoulders a bit more Hench, which is always good, but yeah, I don't know what else to say. Should you upgrade from the classic two to the Cardiology four? Probably not. I mean, I know some consultants who still use their original classic two stethoscopes or the original stethoscope because their theory is that if you can't hear it with a normal stethoscope, then it doesn't matter enough for you to care about.

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Screen Size40 inch
App StoreYes
Full Web BrowserYes
360 VR*Only on YouTube

Whereas I suppose a Cardiology consultant who actually needs to hear murmurs and stuff would care about having a fancier stethoscope. But then having said that, if you think someone does have a memory, you'd probably just Echo them anyway. So it doesn't really matter what you hear through the stethoscope. One situation where I can see this being useful is I've been on the elderly medicine Ward for the last two months or so, and I found that often the consultants will listen to the patients through the clothing like rather than doing the whole staff of getting them to undress and things like that

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I think for cases where patients have difficulty in sitting forward, difficulty in undressing themselves, it can save you quite a bit of time when you just kind of listen through the clothes and you can say, yeah, the chest sounds clear for a patient who, you know, to be fit for discharge anyway.

So I suppose in those contexts it will be useful to have this thing that lets you hear stuff more loudly, because then you can listen to clothing rather than having to underestimate. But apart from that, I don't really see many huge benefits of upgrading, but hey, at least I have this one now Will it make me a better doctor? Probably not, but I need all the help I can get.

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